Student Veterans

Student Veterans and Faculty
Student Veterans
Many Veterans decide to further their education after returning to civilian life. Whether you recently left active duty or have been a Veteran for many years, going to college can be exciting and present new possibilities — but it can also be challenging. It’s important to be aware of the difficulties you may confront and the steps you can take to overcome them.
Veterans Integration to Academic Leadership (VITAL)
VA’s VITAL program supports Veterans’ successful integration into campus life. This is a significant life transition, and most people need time to adjust to a college or university setting, culture, and experiences. That’s where VITAL can help.
Additional Resources
The locators below provide access to programs and services that can improve your mental health.
VA Program Locators Nationwide
VetSuccess on Campus (VSOC)
The VSOC program aims to help Veterans, Service members, and their qualified dependents succeed and thrive through a coordinated delivery of on-campus benefits assistance and counseling, leading to completion of their education and preparing them to enter the labor market in viable careers.
Make the Connection
Visit to hear candid personal descriptions of life as a student Veteran. A variety of student Veterans share their experiences in dealing with a mental health challenge and what they did to get on a path to recovery.
Veterans Coffee Socials
Veterans Coffee Socials provide an enjoyable place to meet friends, find resources, and have fun with other Veterans and community members. Explore this page to learn more about these events, view a brief video, and download the Quick Start Guide for Veterans Coffee Socials.
In Veterans’ Own Words
Going to school after serving in the military provides opportunities to Veterans. But sometimes, it can also bring challenges. Listen to stories of student Veterans who adjusted to challenges by reaching out for support.